Discharge in men is a reason to visit an andrologist.

A man is worried about discharge from his penis.

Discharge from the genitourinary canal is mainly detected by men during or after urinating. It is necessary to be able to distinguish between normal physiological secretion and pathological secretion, which are often the first signs of disease of the genitourinary system. The nature of the discharge allows us to establish the etiology of the disease and make a preliminary diagnosis.

Types of pathological discharge in men.

Pathological discharge is caused by diseases of the genitourinary canal and adjacent organs. Pathological factors, characterized by various etiologies, cause damage to the urethra and provoke the appearance of discharge. This process is called leukocytic urethria (urethritis). Pathological factors can be infectious, chemical or mechanical in nature.

Purulent mucous discharge

  • This secretion consists of serous exudate, urogenital mucus and a small amount of leukocytes. They have the appearance of a translucent milky white liquid.
  • Such secretion can serve as a sign of trichomoniasis, chlamydia and ureaplasmosis. These diseases are rarely accompanied by pain, soreness and itching. Basically, its manifestation is limited to mucopurulent discharge at the end of urination.

purulent discharge

  • Its appearance is considered a symptom of infectious urethritis. Purulent discharge consists of cells of the damaged epithelium of the genitourinary canal and urethral mucus. They have a higher concentration of leukocytes. The purulent discharge looks like a thick liquid that is completely yellow or slightly green.
  • Often, such discharge is accompanied by pain, soreness, itching, burning during urination and is usually abundant. Most often they are symptoms of trichomoniasis and gonorrhea.

white discharge

When white discharge appears, a man should pay attention to its consistency.

  • White discharge with the consistency of cheese.Basically, such discharge indicates male candidiasis (thrush) and is rare. The cause of candidiasis can be a course of chemotherapy or antibiotic treatment, as well as a decrease in immunity; It is not transmitted sexually.
  • White discharge of foamy consistency.This discharge often becomes a sign of trichomoniasis and may also indicate the presence of chronic prostatitis. If the cause is prostatitis, the discharge is usually accompanied by a decrease or loss of potency and difficulty urinating.


No matter what the pathological discharge looks like, a man should consult a urologist. Only a doctor can correctly diagnose the disease and select treatment, diagnosing it yourself is useless. To accurately determine the cause of discharge, samples are usually taken for culture on nutrient media and bacteriological studies. Additional diagnostic tools depend on the suspected disease; It can be urography, computed tomography or ultrasound.


A urologist treats pathological discharge in a man.

The treatment program depends on the man's symptoms of the disease.

  • STDs.In this case, both partners must undergo treatment. As a rule, this is antibacterial therapy, wisely combined with immunomodulatory drugs. Sometimes local treatment is also added (physiotherapy, prostate massage, installation of a drug in the urethra), as well as a special diet. The specific program depends on the type of STD.
  • Thrush.Male candidiasis in most cases is eliminated by local treatment, but in advanced cases general medications are required. In addition, it is necessary to take medications that strengthen the patient's immunity and a special diet.

penis discharge

Discharge from the penis is considered normal if it does not cause discomfort or other negative signs. Otherwise, they are symptoms of various sexually transmitted pathologies or disorders of the genitourinary system and other structures of the body.

How to distinguish a normal condition from a pathology?

Sign Rule Deviation
Appearance time, frequency. Before, during or after sexual intercourse, during excitement. Regardless of intimacy, after sleeping, after urinating, defecating, sometimes constantly dripping
Smell Characteristic (egg white or chestnut) or odorless Putrid, sour, fetid, fishy, etc.
color, consistency Transparent or whitish, the consistency often resembles raw protein, sometimes sticky and slimy. Curdled, thick, white, greenish, brown, interspersed with blood clots and pus. It can be transparent in case of a viral disease.
Additional symptoms No Itching, burning, redness, pain.

When is penile discharge normal?

A healthy adult man does not have strong secretions of any kind at rest. However, in some situations this is the norm:

  1. Precum. When excited, a sticky, colorless substance is released - a lubricant to create a favorable environment conducive to normal sperm transport. Doctors will suspect a problem if they complain of a large amount of pre-ejaculate with low sexual arousal.
  2. Ejaculate. We are not talking about ejaculation in the form of an adequate end to the sexual relationship, but rather about the residue that sometimes comes out after intimacy. This is usually a couple of drops of a whitish or colorless liquid.
  3. Ejaculate during wet dreams. It is an involuntary ejaculation due to sexual overstimulation and an increased amount of testosterone. They often occur in a dream.
  4. Smegma is the secretion of glands located in the area of the petals of the foreskin.. It serves as a protective liquid and lubricant for the head of the penis. It does not dry out, it does not become inflamed and it does not injure itself thanks to it. The amount of smegma is small, almost invisible in underwear. However, with hormonal changes it increases, if the imbalance is not associated with pathology, this is also normal.

    Smegma in large quantities can enter the urethra, where it accumulates and "fades", forming curdled scales, as occurs with candidiasis. This is also conditionally considered the norm: if sufficient hygiene is observed, the problem disappears.

When is discharge a symptom of an illness?

If a man notices abnormal discharge from the penis, he should consult a doctor. It is difficult to determine the disease independently without medical education and diagnostic equipment.

The most common pathologies associated with the appearance or alteration of the liquid secreted by the penis are STDs, inflammatory processes and alterations in the functioning of muscular structures and the central nervous system.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Sexual infections are initially asymptomatic, the incubation period is 7-21 days, sometimes 6 months. The discharge appears when infected with the following diseases:

  • Hepatitis;
  • HIV;
  • Gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia;
  • Trichomoniasis;
  • Candidiasis;
  • Ureaplasmosis;
  • Human papilloma virus;
  • Mycoplasmosis;
  • AIDS.

Chlamydia, ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis first cause a clear, slimy discharge. The only sign of pathology is the absence of the causes of the natural appearance of fluid. Other pathologies lead to a change in the color and consistency of the secreted fluid: it becomes translucent, mucous and reminiscent of pus.

Gonorrhea is characterized by smelly greenish or brown substances. Accompanied by severe pain and itching.

Hepatitis often causes a small amount of fluid to leak and settle on the head of the penis, and when it dries, a white film forms. An additional characteristic symptom is cloudiness and darkening of urine.

Thrush is accompanied by the appearance of cheese clots, but they are much less than in the case of female "thrush". There is itching, burning and redness of the head.

With trichomoniasis, elastic and translucent mucus, pain and itching appear with frequent urination. The urethra swells, the area around it becomes red and inflamed.

Inflammatory processes

Pathologies that cause penile discharge are not always transmitted sexually. Sometimes the problem arises against the background of an infection that spreads after tactile contact or is transmitted by airborne droplets.

Bacteria, viruses and fungi in large quantities cause an inflammatory reaction. Abnormal secretion appears due to inflammation of the urethra, spermatic cords, sperm tubercle, prostate, foreskin and other elements of the reproductive system.

The type of secretion depends on the microorganism that caused the disease. For example, bacteria almost immediately provoke the appearance of pus: the mucus smells bad and has an unpleasant color.

Changes in sperm volume and quality.

If sperm flow without prior arousal and subsequent orgasm, this is a pathology. Doctors diagnose spermatorrhea. The reasons lie in muscle disorders and problems of the central nervous system. It occurs more often in old age or with advanced prostatitis, prostate adenoma.

Discharge with blood: hematospermia, appears with malignant neoplasms in the urethra, penile cancer, trauma. Sometimes it is the result of stones passing through the urinary tract.


Urologists, after listening to the patient's complaints and collecting a history, examine the genitals. In this case, specialists simultaneously take prostate juice through rectal massage. More laboratory tests are required:

  • Blood test;
  • Prostate discharge;
  • Urine analysis;
  • Sperm.

It is important to evaluate the discharge itself. To do this, they undergo a microscopic examination. It is this method that allows you to identify the main source of the problem: bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Next, doctors move on to instrumental diagnosis:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, penis, scrotum;
  • Dopplerography;
  • Bone scan;
  • magnetic resonance;
  • Cystoscopy;
  • Urethroscopy;
  • Scintigraphy.

If neoplasms are found during the examination, diagnosticians perform a puncture.


Treatment methods depend on the diagnosis. First of all, doctors prescribe suitable medications for the elimination of pathogenic microflora:

  • Antibiotics;
  • Antiviral;
  • Antifungal.

Urologists prescribe medications primarily orally, and sometimes require administration of medications intravenously or intramuscularly.

Additionally, treatment with antihistamines and pain relievers is required to relieve symptoms. Local medications (antipruritic creams, gels and ointments) help eliminate itching.

Patients are shown sitz baths with sedatives, analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs. Washing after each urination will help prevent the spread of infection.

If the problem lies in disorders of the central nervous system or endocrinological pathologies, doctors turn to highly specialized specialists.

Additional therapies

Problems of the genitourinary system must be treated comprehensively. In addition to medications, doctors choose:

  • Rectal prostate massage;
  • Therapeutic massages of the lumbar region;
  • exercise therapy;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Reflexology.

Such procedures restore natural metabolism and prevent stagnation. The urologist prescribes a special diet that helps strengthen men's health. It is necessary to take vitamin complexes: vitamins C, E, A, group B.


In most cases, the cause of penile discharge is sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, the most effective preventive measure is the careful selection of the sexual partner and the use of barrier contraceptives.

Urologists also advise following a number of rules:

  1. Live an active lifestyle.
  2. Monitor your own health and carry out preventive examinations.
  3. Treat pathologies in a timely manner.
  4. Wear loose-fitting underwear and pants.
  5. Avoid frequent changes in sexual partners.
  6. Take care of your diet. The diet should contain vitamins, micro- and macroelements necessary for a man: selenium, zinc, magnesium, calcium.